Saturday, December 6, 2014

Newly Published Book - The Cracking of the Bible

                             The Cracking of the Bible: The Divine Pattern Revealed

WOW! What a bold claim to make. Many over the course of history have searched and analyzed the Bible utilizing various skills. There are those who have come up with what they call the "Bible Code" utilizing a method called equidistant letter sequences  (ELS) which entails finding hidden messages i.e. skipping a desired number of letters focusing on part of the Biblical text to come up with those messages using computers.

I took a different approach and looked at the entire Bible to come up with what I call the Bible Pattern. Perhaps for some you may ask the question, is there a pattern to and in the Bible? The answer is yes and it is pervasive in the Old and New Testaments. This book delves into and reveals how God has been consistently operating in a unique pattern which has never been explored in the Bible, and beyond.

In seeking out a publisher to assist me in getting my book published, Xulon Press, they preformed what they called a "Manuscript  Diagnostic Review". Here is what the stated after reviewing the entire document:

    "Voice is intelligent and earnest. There is no denying this author’s passion
     for his subject. Meticulously researched, wildly comprehensive, and unique
    in content. This is not a book to be read lightly, but rather one that needs,
    and deserves, patient study. This is a highly complex work. The many diagrams
    that support the text are well-conceived and critical to a reader’s
    understanding. Well done." (Xulon Press Editing Dept.)

Just like any other system, computer or otherwise, the Bible has a pattern to it also.You can decide for yourself after reading the book if I have indeed "cracked" the Bible. After 6000 years, yes it has been done!

To order a copy of the book now you can go to the Xulon Press on line book store at:

The book is also available on other outlet websites such as and